Join Bernie on The Fighting Oligarchy Tour


Join Bernie on The Fighting Oligarchy Tour


Free and Fair Elections


Get Big Money Out of Politics and Restore Democracy

Together, we are going to create a political system which is based on the democratic principles of one person - one vote - and end a corrupt system which allows billionaires to buy elections. Yes. We are going to overturn Citizens United, move to public funding of elections.

Bernie Signature

Key Points

  • Restore the Voting Rights Act and overturn Citizens United.
  • End racist voter suppression and partisan gerrymandering.
  • Make Election Day a national holiday, secure automatic voter registration, and guarantee the right to vote for every American over 18, including those Americans currently incarcerated and those disenfranchised by a felony conviction.
  • Abolish super PACs and replace corporate funding with publicly funded elections that amplify small-doner donations.


We have seen what happens when corporations and billionaires control our system of government to protect their own profit and greed. The era of Wall Street billionaires controlling our government and elections must come to an end, and we must take back our democracy for the American people. Every American, regardless of income and race, must have the freedom to exercise their constitutional right to vote. To make sure every voter counts, we must:

  • Restore the Voting Rights Act.
  • Secure automatic voter registration for every American over 18.
  • Overturn Citizens United.
  • End racist voter suppression and partisan gerrymandering.
  • Abolish burdensome voter ID laws.
  • Re-enfranchise the more than 6 million Americans who have had their right to vote taken away by a felony conviction, paid their debt to society, and deserve to have their rights restored.
  • Make Election Day a national holiday.
  • Abolish super PACs.
  • Replace corporate funding and donations from millionaires and billionaires with public funding of elections that amplifies small-dollar donations.