Join Bernie on The Fighting Oligarchy Tour


Join Bernie on The Fighting Oligarchy Tour


Responsible Foreign Policy


A Responsible, Comprehensive Foreign Policy

Together, as the forces of militarism have kept us engaged in unending wars, we have stood arm-in-arm to fight back. We're not going to invest in never-ending wars.

Bernie Signature

Key Points

  • Implement a foreign policy which focuses on democracy, human rights, diplomacy and peace, and economic fairness.
  • Allow Congress to reassert its Constitutional role in warmaking, so that no president can wage unauthorized and unconstitutional interventions overseas.
  • Follow the American people, who do not want endless war.
  • End U.S. support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which has created the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.


The U.S. must lead the world in improving international cooperation in the fight against climate change, militarism, authoritarianism, and global inequality. When we are in the White House, we will:

  • Implement a foreign policy which focuses on democracy, human rights, diplomacy and peace, and economic fairness.
  • Allow Congress to reassert its Constitutional role in warmaking, so that no president can wage unauthorized and unconstitutional interventions overseas.
  • Follow the American people, who do not want endless war. American troops have been in Afghanistan for nearly 18 years, the longest war in American history. Our troops have been in Iraq since 2003, and in Syria since 2015, and many other places. It is long past time for Congress to reassert its Constitutional authority over the use of force to responsibly end these interventions and bring our troops home.
  • End U.S. support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which has created the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.
  • Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement and talk to Iran on a range of other issues.
  • Work with pro-democracy forces around the world to build societies that work for and protect all people. In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, democracy is under threat by forces of intolerance, corruption, and authoritarianism.